Sunday, November 25, 2007

Trying to make good choices

Well, I did it! I joined the YWCA. Hopefully this winter will be the winter of change - weight loss, new child, more discipline with housework, more commitment to praying and reading the word.

Did I mention a new child??! We are moving forward in the adoption process! It appears the country we are working through is actually looking at our file. So, hopefully with in 6 months we'll have another kiddo!

I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

So much to do! So little time. Wow! What an apt saying for this season for me. Run the kids to school, to the store, back to get a kid or two from school, home for a while, no time to really clean anything, back to school. Do I really want to fold clothes let alone wash them? Our dog Sydney chewed up the top of a pumpkin on our rug - three days ago - it is still there! Vacuum? I am not sure where it even is!

So, with all there is to do what am I doing?? Writing to you! I hope you all feel honored! I guess I could at least fold a few....nahh, they'll be there tomorrow.