Monday, October 20, 2008

One down

Tonight was the last night of the first class in this second half of my master's degree! It ended up being a really good class. The class was actually a special education class but there were so many things that are applicable to the preschool class I am teaching. In fact I am pretty tired so I won't write much more now. Adios!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Finding the groove

Well, It's been a month and a half of this crazy year and everything is ok. I have one more class for this round and then on to the next!

The kids all have a bit of a cold, but tomorrow I told them we are going to rest and relax so hopefully they'll feel better. I have really been enjoying them lately. I am finding stores of patience I didn't know I had! Yeah God!

Justin and I just got back from a little trip to Banff, Alberta. This is the place where we Honeymooned 10 years ago!! Justin had a conference so I went along to get some R&R and spend a little time alone with my hubby! It was a really nice time there. The weather was wonderful, a bit crisp but perfect for me! There were a few flurries on one day but for the most part the mountains were amazing to say the least! I am including a few pics! Enjoy!