Sunday, November 30, 2008


Well the winds of change are blowing by. I have had quite a time attempting to teach my son's class this fall. Let's just say that he just has not cooperated. So, I am not going to teach his class. At this point I will continue teaching in the other class until they find someone else.

I am relieved and sad at the same time. This is the perfect job!! I just don't think it is perfect timing for me to be working and trying to teach him. He has been so much work!! Ok, whew I am glad I got that off my chest! I love the little guy soooo much but boy he is difficult!

This picture is my girl on the Nova Classical website!! Check it out!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Ok, some days I feel on top of things and that everything will work out fine. Then there are days like today when I feel like I am barely treading water. I have been frantically researching for a paper due on Monday night. Unfortunately I cannot find the right papers to finish the project. They are supposed to be peer reviewed, qualitative or quantitative, research papers on the topic of classical education. I don't think they exist. So, I would contact the professor but I don't think she uses email. So, I'll just sit here listening to Bob the builder for the 2nd time and keep procrastinating.

On another note, I cleaned up the messiest mess ever (except for the great Syndey event) yesterday. Not to gross you out, but here is the story...Caleb was on the top step of his loft bed and puked down on top of the dirty clothes...which splashed (yes splashed) on the dresser, on the wall, on his bed and all over the ladder and himself. Gross.