Monday, March 24, 2008

Frayed Nerves

I have a serious case of "I've had it up to here!", "You're getting on my nerves", "Calgon, take me away!!" Are you feelin' me?? Once a month (hint, hint) these intense emotions emerge and I don't know what to do with them! It is mostly irritation with the kids' fighting, whining, arguing, sassy-ness, but there is also some anger, too. I won't get into that but needless to say I need to just exercise but what I want to do is hit something - hard. Ever been here?

This season, Easter, Mother's Day, Spring is always hard due to losing my mom at this time. Of course when emotions are intense I ALWAYS have the good old "I miss my mom so much it hurts" feelings. It will be four years on May 9th since she has been gone. More and more often days will go by and I realize I have not thought about her. Mostly, though I wish I could just chat with her. Ok, any more and I'll be getting the keyboard wet!

The picture is of her holding Hannah as a baby. She loved those girls!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A clarification

The house you see to the right is not ours...nor will it ever be. It is located on a golf course on Mackinac Island in Northern Michigan. We were on a Bike ride around the island when we saw this. I made Justin stop so we could snap some pictures. In the event we come into a large sum of money and if God ever moves us from our 'hood then maybe we'll build one like this. I can only dream! I love the front porch! Anyway, we are still enjoying quinoa, waiting on the adoption, and struggling to keep the house clean. Those are some updates from previous posts. I am looking forward to our Good Friday Celebration tomorrow. I love that we have HOPE because of Jesus' death on the Cross. What a Saviour!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Quinoa is our new favorite food. It is little like rice and yet different, too. We love the taste and texture. I have made it with curry, and just chicken flavoring with pepper. I had bought it at the local co-op, but found it today at Rainbow in our bulk section.

Hopefully I'll be able to post this picture - I tried before and couldn't. Yeah Spring!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Joy in service

This week we are hosting a group from a college in Tennesee. We, being our church, not my family! I have spent a bit of time getting the house they are staying in ready. But, it has been satisfying. We had dinner with them tonight and saw how grateful they were for the wood floor they were sleeping on. It reminds me of some trips I took in college. It really is exhausting and it really is rewarding!

I have also been finding more joy in my crazy three year old boy. I found myself laughing (to myself) today as he sang: "Poop, Poop, Poop, poopity etc." to a fun little tune. Some days I want to pull my hair out - I don't because it is already coming out by the handful!! While I physically restrained him so I could talk to the dentist about Hannah's teeth, the hygenist actually said: "I know what it's like, I have a boy with ADD." I still don't know quite what to think about that. I know that he'll grow out of the out of control stage and probably won't grow out of the crazy, active, boy stage. I guess there is a balance of pulling on the reins (reighns) while still driving the cart. I think that sounded better in my head...