Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Merry Christmas!

To all my fabulous friends...Merry Christmas! Enjoy your family and friends! Rejoice in our Saviour!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good things

I find that I am enjoying Christmas this year. I am excited about what we got - or are getting for the kids: an American Girl Doll for Abby, a digital camera for Hannah and cool drum sticks for Caleb that play where ever he wants. Shhh, don't tell them! Also, I am excited to bake with the kids and play outside. We are finally in a place where we all can go out and be active together.

We are planning on a few trips up to the Shabin, too. I am excited to get there for everything except using the outhouse when it is below zero. The shabin gets really warm inside so we are going to have to get really creative about indoor activities...any ideas? I finally bought a few decorations to hang and even found some fabric to hang as curtains. It is really looking cute!