Thursday, September 25, 2008

Feeling Better

Things are not quite as chaotic as they were a few weeks ago. The kids are getting used to the schedule: get up, brush teeth (hopefully), get dressed, eat, run to school, school, home, homework, eat, short movie, bed and do it all over again. I know now we all look forward to summer so much. The schedule gets a little monotonous.

I have enjoyed a particularly easy week at preschool. We went to the apple orchard twice this week. Once with each class. I love getting to know the kids and seeing each of their personalities develop. What a privilege!

On the adoption front, we finally got our I600-A which basically allows us to bring a kiddo back from Peru when ever that happens. This is our second one. The good news is that it is good through this time next year. We are talking, though about changing somehow. Just getting a little weary of waiting. We'll see though, this would not be a good year to take two months off to go to Peru and then have a little one. I guess the hardest part is having this wide open thing hanging over us all the time.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chillin with the kids

Off to the races! The girls are on week two of school and Caleb finished his first week. I had one class and had my first day of teaching today. Whew! I am looking forward to a little more routine. Now we are all a bit tired from figuring it all out. Tomorrow the girls and I are having girls only night. I am excited to have a little break from the little man.

The kids this year at the preschool are going to be so fun. I know there will be challenges but I am really looking forward to hanging out, teaching them, talking to them, and just playing. I have not put together so many puzzles as I have last week. I am actually enjoying it!!