Tuesday, August 26, 2008

gettin' ready

Well, it's fall again...I remember a line from the movie You've Got Mail where Meg Ryan says that that she is thinking about bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils. That is on my mind, too. The girls start next week and Caleb and I start the week after.

I am looking foward to the classes I'll teach and the one's I'll take. It will be a busy year so I don't know how much I'll be here. I'll try to at least check in so you know I'm alive.

Have a Happy Fall!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our "Shabin"

I debated blogging about this but in the end I think it will be fun to share our adventures. We bought a cabin up north. It is rather small so I call it a shabin - part cabin, part shack. I think the man who built it took the design for a storage shed and just added insulation to the inside and called it good. So, it's not much to look at but it works for us. The part I really like is that it has power so I cooked on the stove and stored our water in the refriderator. We made a fire and burned our paper trash, walked in the woods and were eaten alive by the mosquitoes. Our dog, Sydney loved her time there to wander and be outside as much as she wanted.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Something I forgot!

I don't think I mentioned a week or so ago that our oldest Abby, turned 8 this year. I feel like I blinked and she is huge! I am always saying to her that she is so big. I hope she doesn't get a complex! I just mean in comparison to what she used to be!! I can still remember when she was in my arms, looking up at me with those huge brown eyes! Those eyes are still huge and now she is almost as tall as me!!

She is an amazing little girl. There was a time when she pined for a certain girl's friendship. This girl wasn't interested in Abby anymore and it was so hard to watch! I prayed that she would learn how that felt and befriend other's in the same position. She has!! I am so proud of the kind, compassionate little girl she is! We do have our moments, make no mistake! We are working on her showing that kindness to her brother and sister at home.

Just some thoughts on my little girl!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I think I am crazy

A few weeks ago I made a phone call that has altered the direction of my upcoming year. I called Caleb's preschool teacher to ask about being a teacher's aide while he is in school, you know, to make a little extra money. Well, she said that the teacher position was open and was I interested. I said yes, I guess I am. Well, I am now one of two new teachers at the preschool. We are both scrambling to plan lessons and think through our ideas. Caleb is excited and so am I.

On Caleb's first day (I teach the end of the first week of school), I also start the 2nd half of my master's degree program. I'll be knee-deep in preschool prep while I am thinking about a thesis statement!! My brain is tired right now, trying to get my mind around all the prep there is to do. I feel like if I can keep a day-to-day mentality, it will be a good year. A lot, but good.