Monday, January 26, 2009

Deep Thoughts with Tasha

I'm calling back some old SNL memories with that title but what I have to say here is sort of serious. Sort of. I have been thinking a lot about money lately. Having it, not having it, loving it, needing it, wanting it etc. A close friend pointed out recently that I may have a bit of an obsession...well, it got me to thinking. Do I love money? I have to say that it makes life easier at times.

The reason that this issue has come up for me is complicated..."your mother's a complicated woman..." sorry, I digress...anyway, in my home growing up I didn't hear the word no too often when it came to wanting things. If we could prove to mom that we "needed" it, then in time it usually was ours. This gave me an interesting understanding of money and need. Lest you think I blame my mother for my problems...let me explain my current issue. I have a hard time keeping money...ok I said it!! Whew, does that feel better! These things added create for a financially frustrated momma. So, last fall when I was working a bit I had a nice paycheck to work with. I usually had about $5 left over when the next paycheck rolled around - let's just say it is a good thing that my wonderful hubby works!! So, fast forward to today, where I am not working as much (for pay) so frustration, and struggle set in.

In come the love, need, want issues. I have no clear conclusions on the matter, only good questions that make me think and examine my motives and heart. Now I can see why God included so many verses on money in the Bible! It's dangerous!