Friday, July 18, 2008

A Great Book

I had the chance to read one of those perspective-changing books recently. It's called The Shack and while it has gotten mixed reviews I'd reccommend it! It is sort of a Pilgrims Progress for a modern age. A fictional story that has deep meaning in how we relate to God and how He relates to us. I won't give away the key events of the book but It really healed some hurt places in my heart as well as opened my view of God in (I think) a biblical way. If any of you read it let me know!

The battle continues here at home to unpack, straighten, put away all the "stuff" we have. Way too much, I say, but it is hard finding time to complete the task of sorting, putting the unwanted items in some thing, hauling it downstairs and all the way to the car. Sounds easy but for me it is soooo hard!!


Anonymous said...

I just finished reading it. Very good. It puts God on a more personal level and makes Him more tangible. Makes me not want to go camping any time soon though . . .

Casey, Aaron, Colby & McKenzie said...

you crack me up...I think all mom's feel this way!! OVERDONE! lol
I'll have to email you soon, lots of changes in my life right now...nothing I can't handle but just a pain!!

katie bean said...

Tasha-I miss you and the kids look so big!!! Tell Abbie, Hannah and Caleb that aunt Katie sends them big hugs. Yeah, I wish we could get the kids together soon. Are you getting together with D and Chris this summer? Love ya,katie