Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A big week!

Some fun in Colorado. We say goodbye to the cast this week!

I am reminded why I love winter when it gets this hot. It is almost unbearable to be outside this week and the kids have been in our non-airconditioned church all week. I had just dropped off the kids and was chatting with a Chinese friend who said that "this" is nothing! She said that she sent 8 years in a place that for 5 months a year it was 100 degrees with enormous humidity and only a small box fan. I immediately thought about perspective, how it changes everything. It is still hot but I remember there are places with no nice aircondionded grocery stores.

We are in the season of Vacation Bible Schools. We have two this week, one next and then one the next. There is one at our church and then the others are at other churches. I always feel a little like a mooch going to all these other one's. Then I am reminded that our kids need Bible teaching , too.

The title of the post speaks to this week being big so here's the reason...Hannah gets her cast off in two days and Abby turns 8 a week from tomorrow. I am really glad that Hannah will have her cast off because Abby wants to go to the beach for her party. If you think about us, though, Thursday morning will be a bit intense for her. She did not do well with the last appointment and they didn't use a saw that time.

1 comment:

Casey, Aaron, Colby & McKenzie said...

Poor little sweetheart... I'll say a prayer for her! My nephew (who just turned one 3 weeks ago) got his cast on last monday..my sister in law tripped coming down the steps with him & fell back...right on his foot. So needless to say he has a little red cast on his foot. :-( Have a blast at vacation bible school!!