Thursday, April 22, 2010

6 lbs!!!!!

For some people this might not be a lot but the tears and struggles seem worth it when I see the results on the scale. Last weekend was not so great but since Monday I've been almost perfect. The victories have felt sooo satisfying. I dished up ice cream for Caleb and didn't have any. I ordered a skinny latte and didn't buy something for me at Starbucks. I've said no to stopping at DQ numerous times. The advice that has made the most sense is to take it one day at a time. Again, not rocket science but it has helped me.


Brenda Johnston said...

Yeah! Congrats! One day at a time is really good advice. You rock!

Emily said...

Congrats on the 6 lbs and on making so many good choices! Yay!

The Harings said...

YAY! I am so excited for you! Keep up the hard work. Keep inspiring us all. Hugs