Thursday, September 13, 2007

Time in the car and more

For all the time I was in the car today I could have gone to Duluth! Thankfully, this is the only day of the week where I do three trips to the kids' school. I should be learning scripture or praying with all that time in the car but I find that I just listen to the radio and try to referee from the front seat.

My three year old son went to his first day of preschool today. I have been so stressed by schedule issues and jury duty (!) that I don't think it registered that he is growing up until now. He had a great time and I think it will be fantastic for him to interact with others and learn to wait in line. That is what I told his teacher's to work on with him. He seriously moans and squaks when he has to wait for anything. Sorry, he's the third child so we didn't remember the camera until we were already there. Hopefully tomorrow for his first official day with out mom and dad.

I wanted to explain a little more why I chose the title I did. Sarah Groves sings about life's disappointments, changes and how we can embrace them and let those circumstances become part of our new story or we can deny them and not grow. Ok, I am also infusing a little Jerry Sitser, too. (A Grace Disguised) In my mind being broken involves (in part) admitting that life has not turned out like you hoped or planned. When we had kids I never imagined doing it without my mom. The hole she left is huge some days and not so big others. Yesterday it was enormous. Having said that, I am grateful too. While life is not going as planned I am a stronger more whole person having lost my mom while being a mom. Ok, enough for now.

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