Monday, October 8, 2007

Dieting Schmieting

Ok, The minute I say the word - DIET - I swear visions of puppy dog tails (these amazing brown sugar rolls at a local coffee shop), chocolate brownie sundae's, and fettuchini alfredo pop into my head. I would love to lose weight - who wouldn't right? But seriously, I know as the years go by it will get harder and harder so I have to start now. Now, where to start? I think if I could grocery shop for healthy food and never go out it may work but alas I must venture out into the world of pumkin spice latte's and DQ blizzards at least once EVERY DAY! Yes, many times it is two or three times a day I drive by my favorite haunts and muster up the will-power to not stop. Justin says that you have to fight desire with desire. Ok, I do desire to not look the way I look. I do desire to not be paralyzed by urges for carbs. The hardest part is the self-discipline it requires day after day. I know that it would take me a year at least to reach my ultimate goals. Does denying myself from foods I not only love but crave, for a year or more sound like something nice to you!? Any advice or word of encouragement welcome.


Anonymous said...

Girl Talk is doing a good series on food right now. I read last weeks posts on it and it seems helpful.

katie bean said...

Tasha,I've gained five pounds the last few weeks=I'm going insane about dieting as well. I know I need to take it off-and then I eat more-So I made a sign on the fridge-"No Sugar"-and I 'm going to start writing on it-where I can remind myself why I don't need to overeat-and write down how good I feel when I only eat when I'm hungry. I don't know girl-It's frustrating- I don't know if it helps, but I'm feeling bad about food right now too. love,katie

The Harings said...

Boy do I know how you feel! lol. I might add some more later but until then know that your not alone! *hugs*